Thursday, July 14, 2011

Iced Coffee?

I confess:
I have an addiction to Starbucks' Iced Coffee.
"May I have a Venti Iced Coffee with three pumps of Toffee Nut?"
I blame it on working there. I'm trying to break the habit and go less, but with working 5 a.m. shifts, it's pretty tough to get by without coffee. (And truthfully the TJ's stuff just doesn't cut it for me.)

So anyhow, I do know how to make it at home, and I do, it's just never quite the same! But I thought I'd share how to make it. Starbucks has a method they call "Double Brewing" that they use to make iced coffee in the store, and it's really all about ratio. They use a medium roast, (which, by the way, has more caffeine, but more on that later) usually Gazebo or Tarrazu, and they use
the same amount of coffee for a whole pot, but only half the water.
So for example, if you have a machine that has a 12 cup capacity, you would use the amount of coffee for a 12 cup pot, but only 6 cups of water. Then you would use the same volume of ice in your pitcher, and pour the hot, double-brewed coffee over top. Chill, and then serve over ice.
Super easy

Here's a few hints/tricks I've picked up over the years from working there, and being a loyal customer :)

  • You can customize your drink! If the standard recipe is too sweet, order less pumps of syrup. Tall = 3 pumps; Grande = 4 pumps; Venti = 5 pumps (Unless iced, then Venti gets 6 pumps)
  • Starbucks recommends using 3 Tablespoons of coffee per every 3 cups of water. They sell coffee scoops that are 2 tablespoons, and I highly recommend them for consistency at home.
  • The "bold" coffee Starbucks is known for has a darker, richer taste, but it has less caffeine that lighter roasts because it was roasted longer.
  • Beware of White Chocolate Mocha has approximately 60 calories PER PUMP!!
  • Standard sugar syrups (Vanilla, Hazelnut, Toffee Nut, etc. have approximately 20 calories per pump.

Hopefully this gives you some insight into a few of the Starbucks "secrets."


  1. Isn't it hilarious how we as former employees are now customers with "regular" drinks?? Mine is a Triple Grande Soy Latte!

  2. yea and isn't it hilarious how freakin expensive it is for us now?!!! UGH!

  3. You're too funny. My love isn't, and never really has been, for coffee itself. In very flavored ways (mochas, chai lattes, etc.), I can enjoy it. But, as you know, my love is for tea. I have a whole corner of our kitchen designated to my loose-leaf tea fun. That's really besides the point though.

    What I wanted to say originally, is that I just love coffee shops. I'm not a huge Starbuckser (only when necessary really). I've come to find that wherever I'm living or traveling these past two years, I neeed to find my local coffee shop where I can spend hours. Kris is finally catching on to how great they are.

    That being said, Ideal coffeeshops:

    *Have...well, good drink in my cup.
    *live music weekly
    *a give-and-take library
    *cough*descent prices*cough (have yet to find. I must admit, this part makes me cringe a little as to why I'm not just drinking at home. I always have to remind myself I'm not paying $5 for an over-iced 16 oz, but for the comfy couches and cozy atmosphere((two more musts)).
    *Coffee made by folks with good coffe-making morals.

    Hmm..they basically sums it up.

    I love you guys. Last day of camp tomorrow. Craziness. Hope to see you soon after. If you need anything, let me know.

    Agape and Shalom <3briG
