Saturday, April 9, 2011


I've always loved the ocean and wanted to live out the surfing lifestyle. I guess I started obsessing about it when I was in middle school, but I never got on a board until college. And I never stood up and rode a wave until last year.
All the while, I was, and still am, pretty scared of the ocean. Really, of what's in the ocean. But I shouldn't let fear rule my life. The Bible says to fear not. So this year I want to get out there and ride fearlessly. I want to live out my dream of actually being able to paddle out there and ride over and over again. It was the most exhilarating feeling to stand up and let the wave carry me to shore. I remember triumphantly pumping both fists in the air and my husband and instructor cheering me on. I felt I had won a victory over my fear. Then I let it cripple me again just a few weeks later.

So here's how I should be inspired: By the real-life pro surfer
Bethany Hamilton.

I think everyone is pretty familiar with her story. Thirteen with big dreams, all seemingly shattered when a 14-foot Tiger Shark bites her arm off in the water.
And you know what? She's winning championships left and right.

With one arm.

Obviously she has not let fear rule her life. And she gives Jesus the glory for all of it. Especially losing her arm.
How inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see this movie so bad! You know me, I'm not a big "swim in the ocean girl" BUT this story looks crazy inspiring! The whole mentality can be applied to every struggle. Good luck surfing Jeana, I know you can do it! :)
